

Sport Psychology Coaching course

Sport Psychology

Gain a mental edge by understanding the theory and practice of motivation, focus, confidence, stress and expertise. Learn pratical skills in mindfulness, goal setting and mental imagery.

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Mindfulness & Visualisation for Athletes course

Mindfulness & Visualisation for Athletes

Master mindfulness and mental imagery with this hands-on course. Mindfulness and visualisation can help athletes train harder, perform better, stay motivated and even recover from injury faster.

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Resilient Running course

Resilient Running

Run faster, longer and injury-free. Designed for existing runners who want to achieve a new PB, new distance, improve their technique and add structure to their training.

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Strength &am; conditioning course

Strength & Conditioning

Improve performance and reduce injury with strength training. This courses teaches you all the exercises you need to know, using body weight so you can do them at home around your existing training.

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Nutrition for Athletes course

Nutrition for Athletes

No amount of training can out-run poor diet. In this course, you will learn the science of nutrition, how to personalise your nutrition, the psychology of healthy eating, and what to eat before, during and after exercise.

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Triathlon For Beginners course

Triathlon For Beginners

Looking to complete your first triathlon? This is the course for you. We will cover swim, bike, run, as well as preparation, transition, training schedules, nutrition and much more.

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Running For Beginners course

Running For Beginners

New to running? Start here with our free course. It takes you through the very basics of where to run, what to wear, warming-up, cooling down and much more.

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Premium courses

Sport Psychology for Triathletes course

Sport Psychology for Triathletes

Understand the mental game with our diploma in triathlon psychology. It is a 12-week accredited course that will leave you stronger and healthier.

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Triathlon Psychology Coaching course

Triathlon Psychology Coaching

Our coaching programme is specifically designed for existing coaches looking to continue their professional development and incorporate psychology into their coaching.

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